The Blog

Tradition. What makes tradition? And why do we celebrate traditions? Tradition helps to bring meaning to our celebrations and bond us with those we love. It lends a certain "holiday spirit" that nurtures us during various times of the year,...
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Can you think of any phrases or sayings that have to do with bread? Here's just a few off the top of my head...  It's the bread and butter of... It's the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Bringing in the...
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Sourdough is truly the queen of all bread... in our humble opinion. The mother of the bread is the starter, or levain in French, masa madre in Spanish, Zakwas in Polish.  She’s strong. She’s nurturing. She’s patient. She’s dynamic. She’s...
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Does this question ever come up in your house? It sure does in ours... nightly. With the abundance of summer produce in the height of the season, it's the perfect time to be visiting the Wednesday or Saturday Farmer's Markets...
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here it is everyone... My perfect crumb to date. Baked on Saturday, July 25th, 2020. I wanted to share this team accomplishment with you today, because if you've followed for a while, you'll remember my story about "The Ugly loaves"...
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Any time there’s a family gathering around the corner, my phone dings regularly with our group chat discussing the final menu for the weekend. Sound familiar?  Food brings people together. It has for centuries. This is something we’re passionate about...
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Our goal at Voyageurs Bakehouse isn't to reinvent bread making. Sourdough has been around for centuries. Our goal is to make these classic breads available to you in a way that you can explore, enjoy, and love. Heritage, ancient and...
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