Why we do what we do

Can you think of any phrases or sayings that have to do with bread? Here's just a few off the top of my head...
- It's the bread and butter of...
- It's the greatest thing since sliced bread.
- Bringing in the dough.
- Being the bread winner of the family.
- As long as you put bread on the table.
And my favorite one of all...
"We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all we love each other."
~ From the cartoon Madaline. This phrase is recited by girls before they break their bread at dinner.
So why Bread?... Why did we start a sourdough bread business?
Bread has been the center of gatherings for centuries. It was central to the formation of early human societies. And sourdough is the oldest and most original form of leavened bread, used by Ancient Egyptian civilizations as early as 4000 B.C.
Getting together around the table with friends and family has been a very important part of both mine & Ben's life -- in our childhoods, as well as since starting a life together back in 2013.
Throughout our very unique life experiences and journeys... there is one thing that both Ben & I deeply believe...
That health and vitality grow through getting together with friends and family for good quality food that's been made with love, truly connecting conversation, and lots of laughter. Get-togethers and collaboration are essential to the growth of our families and community.
Knowing that on any given day, there are many households around Green Bay (and now even up into Door County and down into Appleton) that are sitting down at their table to enjoy a loaf of Voyageurs bread is why we do what we do.
Our bread symbolizes a reason to gather together. And our hope is that the time spent around your table is nourishing; both by the food that you eat as well as the conversation with the people you're dining with.
It is also our hope that by following Voyageurs, you are able to explore bread and bakery items that may be new to you. Traveling and exploring through culinary experiences has been a nourishing essential to our relationship.

This is why we named ourselves Voyageurs. As we embrace our inner Voyageur here in Green Bay, we invite you to share the adventure by exploring artisan bread and other baked goods.
If you've followed along for any length of time, you know that the menu changes regularly, and there's always something new! This allows us to keep exploring, learning, and growing every week. It fuels our WHY, which is to continue to give you reasons to gather around the table and eat good food with people you love.
We are grateful you are here sharing this journey of being bread Voyageurs. We look forward to continue to learn and explore this world through the wonderful gift of food and taste together.
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