The Blog
It all started as a dream.Â
One crazy dream. Â And the dream became a reality.
Imagine someone asks, "What do you think would go well with this beautiful loaf of sourdough?"And you reply... "CHEESE."They just taste like soul-mates. ❤️ Ever wonder why? 🤔 The short answer is because bread and cheese share similar chemical compounds.The long answer is that...
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The why... This is one of the questions we ask ourselves regularly... Why do we do what we do? The answer has been the same since we started. Create a quality product:Craft an outstanding, high quality artisan sourdough using as...
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A memorial. A celebration. A commemoration. Memorial Day is a time to remember those fallen in this life while serving in the military. It's generally a holiday when many of us gather together, but how often do we stop to...
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Today feels like a day to be celebrated. It marks the first day that you can find Voyageurs Bakehouse sourdough bread in all Festival Foods stores in Greater Green Bay. If Ben, who started baking sourdough at home in 2015,...
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The Bakehouse had a special visit last week. Governor Tony Evers stopped in to visit the Bakehouse and chat briefly about our story and the support we've received from the state. The fact that Governor Evers chose the Bakehouse as...
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I’ve been thinking about what to say. The holidays felt like an open loop. I didn’t complete the 12 Days of Holiday deals, as some of you may have noticed. We didn’t post a heartfelt thank you, even though our...
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Yesterday I woke to the smell of cinnamon rolls baking in the house... and my two girls crawling into my bed. Let me tell you, there is nothing like it. There was a crisp air flowing through my window on...
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Each week on Wednesdays at the Bakehouse, we have a team meeting around the shaping table. The shaping table has become a symbolic place to come together, share ideas, and practice vulnerability as a team. The format of our Wednesday...
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"I felt like an artist coming back to her studio... I felt like a family member coming home..." These words were shared by a true poet herself, Crystal Brown. Crystal is part of the Voyageurs pastry team and recently came...
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