Appleton Bakehouse Sneak Peak

Each week on Wednesdays at the Bakehouse, we have a team meeting around the shaping table.
The shaping table has become a symbolic place to come together, share ideas, and practice vulnerability as a team.
The format of our Wednesday meeting is for everyone - or at least one person from each department - to share...
- A WIN from the last 7 days (personal WINs included!)
- What’s coming up in the next 7 days (projects, events, new products, etc.)
- Roadblocks, constraints, and needs
It's a speedy meeting that allows us to make fast decisions on items if possible, and mention topics that need to have a "side-bar" meeting. It gives us an extra little pulse on how things are going and progressing so we can see where support is most needed.

Last week my WIN was related to our Appleton location, which I’m extremely excited to share an update on today.
"My win for the week is that much of the furniture has been ordered, and we are 99.9% signed off on the cabinetry. The cabinetry is scheduled for installation the last week of October."
Without boring you with the step-by-step, I'll fast forward and just say... there have been many iterations, tons of measuring and re-measuring, and I'm thrilled about where everything is landing.
I'm sharing a sneak peek with you today because I'm super darn excited about the development of this new space for you!
... A space for you to gather.
... A space for you to experience.
... A space for you to relax and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
And I'm hoping that you will find it:
... Cozy, yet simple and clean.
... Inviting and warm.
... Familiar, yet new and inspiring.
I want to give a little shout-out to Jody from Showcase Kitchens of Green Bay. This is the second project that we've worked on together, and I swear this woman can read my mind.
When trying to explain a vision to someone without images, they have to have special mind-reading skills to be able to create accurate drawings the way Jody and her team have done for us.
So here's a little sneak peek at the final floor plans. The first is a birds-eye view, looking top-down on the main service area. The second is a view from the side and the front as if you were standing in the cafe.

Next I want to give you a sneak peek of the furniture that has been ordered. But first...
I am not an interior designer. Never studied it, and to be honest, I'm pretty average at it. But I love it.
(Given a much larger budget, we TOTALLY would have loved to work with a professional. Maybe on Bakehouse #3, or perhaps someone is in search of some pro-bono work?!)
But, as I mentioned, I'm excited. And I want to share that excitement with our Bakehouse community and hope it excites you too!

A dream + A vision + A lot of hard work. It's all becoming a reality because of YOU!
And when I say that it's all because of YOU... I mean it.
Our Bakehouse community has been there for us in the early days of baking at St. Jude Church kitchen. You've been there at the early farmers markets. You've been there to support our Kickstarter Campaign back in May of 2019.
A business is nothing without its customers. And we feel extremely lucky because we don't just have customers... we have a community. A community that cares for us, our team, and the mission of Voyageurs and its future.
It's with our greatest joy that we are creating a second space for you, as a member of our community, to gather together. We can’t wait for our plans and vision to officially become a reality so that we can share it with you.
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